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Why Gen Z Job Layoffs Are Happening and How to Turn It Around

Why Gen Z Job Layoffs Are Happening and How to Turn It Around

You’ve heard the news, right? Gen Z job layoffs are happening all over, and things don’t look great. Companies are letting go of fresh graduates fast, claiming they’re unprepared and entitled. But why is this happening, and what can be done to change things? Let’s break it down.

1. The “Unprepared and Entitled” Problem

Listen, 6 in 10 companies hired recent grads in 2024, and many are already showing them the door. These businesses keep saying the same thing Gen Z lacks readiness. Not only do many young workers miss the real-world experience needed to succeed, but they also expect everything handed to them. Employers, on the other hand, don’t tolerate this. They want workers who can hit the ground running, not those who need hand holding. Furthermore, the idea that a college degree guarantees a job? That’s as outdated as a flip phone.

2. Companies Use Layoffs as an Excuse

Here’s the kicker. Although companies blame the economic downturn for layoffs, in reality, this often masks other issues. They’re getting rid of so called “lazy” workers, activists, and anyone they perceive as entitled. Clearly, it’s easier for companies to offer excuses than to admit they aren’t managing these workers properly.

3. The Workforce Isn’t College, Folks

Gen Z workers are leaving the structured world of education and entering a chaotic, less predictable workplace. Unsurprisingly, that’s a rough transition. Employers, however, expect new hires to work independently. They aren’t looking to babysit or train you like it’s another classroom. If you’re a new grad, you need to recognize that real life doesn’t come with a syllabus


4. Time to Bring Back Apprenticeships

So, what’s the solution? The problem isn’t always the workers sometimes, the training is what’s missing. Universities charge huge tuition fees, but often fail to prepare students for the real world. To fix this, we need to bring back apprenticeships. With apprenticeships, you get hands on experience, learn a trade, and build valuable skills. While degrees can leave you drowning in debt, apprenticeships could lead you straight to a career.

5. Not All Gen Z Workers Fit the Stereotype

Let’s make one thing clear  not every Gen Z employee fits this stereotype. Many young professionals are thriving, proving adaptable, and contributing to company culture in positive ways. So, if you’re part of this generation, it’s up to you to break the mold. Show your boss that you’re prepared, and prove that the workforce is where you belong.

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